- 03.04.2024 - 10:59
Our institute offered a significant opportunity for students from the University of St Gallen and FGV EAESP (Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas). They delved into Argentina's innovative realm of "smart city" planning and projects. Guided by urbanist and lecturer Anthony Boanada-Fuchs, the Latam Term participants are set to gain firsthand experience and knowledge from the advancements in Buenos Aires and Cordoba, two cities at the forefront of integrating technology with urban management.
Firstly, we had insightful presentations in Buenos Aires, shedding light on various initiatives. An innovation park and the complexities of synchronising personal data across various governmental levels were some of the topics. Pedro Alessandri, Undersecretary of Smart Cities, and Sebastián Agustín Tsuji, Director General of Administrative Efficiency, provided a comprehensive overview of the city's smart city strategies and implementations.
Subsequently, to complement the theoretical knowledge, Patricia Irigaray from the Transport Ministry guided the students through a walking tour in the city centre. This practical exploration highlighted the impact of Buenos Aires’ mobility strategy on transforming neighbourhoods, offering a tangible sense of the city’s commitment to sustainable and efficient urban living.
The learning journey continued at the Centro de Monitoreo Urbano, where students were presented with an institutional overview and guided tour. Ezequiel Daglio, Undersecretary of Community Relations and Victim Assistance, alongside Georgina Marinucci, Director General of Citizen Security and Tourist Assistance, introduced the group to the urban monitoring and security measures that play a crucial role in maintaining public safety and enhancing the quality of life for Buenos Aires’ residents.
Thus, these encounters provided valuable material for the students to ponder and analyse, setting a solid foundation for their course papers. Practical applications of smart city concepts and how they could be replicated or adapted in other urban settings were the centre of discussions and reflections.
Cordoba presented an intriguing case study for the Latam Compact participants, following their insightful experiences in Buenos Aires. With well-orchestrated activities, the participants were poised to uncover how Cordoba embeds smart city concepts into its urban fabric.
Firstly, we introduced "Córdoba Acelera" and the city's initiatives like Acento Global, Study Cordoba, and Digital Nomads, aimed at fostering business attraction, innovation, and networking. A standout visit to Santex, a data-driven and Group B-certified company located in the Capitalinas development, showcased the blend of technology and sustainability at the core of Cordoba’s business ethos. The journey through the city was further enriched by a tour on a city bus, offering a panoramic view of Cordoba’s significant landmarks.
The second day brings the participants to the eco-park (Parque de la BioDiversidad), a transformative space repurposed from a former zoo. The goal is to promote awareness around the issues of traditional animal exhibitions and advocate for a renewed human-wildlife relationship.
The experience was complemented by a bicycle tour, illustrating the city's commitment to low-carbon mobility. Participants gazed at splendid views and a healthier urban environment through its elevated bike and pedestrian routes.
Additionally, the visit to the paint manufacturer, Paclin Pinturas, marked another highlight. There, dedication to environmental stewardship was evident through its ISO 9001 and Group B certifications. This encounter, like the others, provided the students with concrete examples of how businesses in Cordoba are leading the way in sustainable practices.
Special thanks were extended to Maria Candelaria Simon, undersecretary of International Affairs, for offering an in-depth perspective on Cordoba's urban development strategies. Appreciations were also given to Luis Castiella and Ignacio Argonz for enriching the study trip with their guidance and insights.
In conclusion, armed with knowledge and inspiration from Cordoba's advancements, the Latam Compact participants are now set to propose innovative ideas for applying smart city initiatives. These experiences underscore the potential to adapt and replicate the concept across urban settings worldwide.
We demonstrate the importance of integrating technology, sustainability, and community engagement in crafting the cities of the future.