Frequently Asked Questions

The Leading House cannot indicate Swiss researchers to act as the Principal Investigator for your project due to impartiality reasons. Please take a look at the following links and organizations that might help you find a Swiss partner.


Early Career Grant

The Early Career Grants (ECG), former Mobility Grant, specifically targets emerging researchers (PostDocs and PhD students). It allows for the integration of the next generation of scientists in international collaboration, helps to build new networks through personal contacts and mutual trust, and makes partnerships more sustainable. Early Career Grants offer a possibility to encourage Swiss researchers to boost their studies with a stay and fieldwork in Latin America without having to be a part of a team or academic group. The call is open to all disciplines and fields and the grant allows for up to three months of research stay.

Academia Industry Training

The Academia-Industry Training (AIT) helps Swiss, Colombian, Brazilian, and Mexican startup talents innovate and develop their entrepreneurial and business skills. The main objectives are to transform high-level applied research into market applications and to assist participants in advancing business plans, establishing contacts with industry, clarifying intellectual property issues, networking at an international level, and fostering new partnerships/ collaborations across Switzerland and Latin America.

Consolidation Grants

The aim of the Consolidation Grant (COG) is to encourage more advanced, solid projects filling in the gap between smaller instruments and bigger funding calls (e.g. SNSF projects).

Research Partnership Grants

The goal of the Research Partnership Grants (RPG) is to strengthen or initiate scientific exchange between researchers from Swiss and Latin American institutions in all disciplines by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research and organize meetings, conferences, or workshops. Research Partnership Grants are particularly useful to develop joint project proposals to be submitted to large funding agencies in Latin America, Switzerland, and Europe or to combine already existing and independently funded projects in Switzerland and the partner countries in order to create long-lasting cooperation.

Find here links to Swiss Leading Houses for other regions.

State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI / Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI

Find here links to further funding opportunities.
