Research Partnership Grant 2025

The aim of the Research Partnership Grant (RPG) is to strengthen or initiate scientific exchange between Swiss and Latin American researchers and institutions by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research and organise meetings, conferences, or workshops. RPGs are particularly useful for developing new joint project proposals or connecting already existing, independently funded projects in Switzerland and the Latin American partner countries for long-lasting cooperation.

Each proposal must include one principal investigator based in Switzerland, affiliated with an eligible Swiss institution, and one principal investigator in Latin America. Multilateral partnerships with additional Latin American countries are welcome.

Applications are open from the 31st of January 2025 to the 30th of April 2025.


Co-Investigators Template

Budget Template

Application Form

General Information of the Project

Principal Investigator of a Swiss Institution – Personal Data

First Principal Investigator of a Latin American Institution – Personal Data

If Applicable, Second Principal Investigator of a Latin American Institution – Personal Data

