- 03.08.2023 - 17:00 

Unternehmensbesuch organisiert vom HSG Alumni Club - Andean Chapter

Roche Kolumbien war Gastgeber für einen von HSG Alumni | Universität St.Gallen - Andean Chapter organisierten Besuch und empfing uns in einem der modernsten Vertriebszentren des Landes.

Roche Colombia hosted a visit organized by the HSG Alumni | Universität St.Gallen - Andean Chapter and welcomed us to one of the most modern distribution centers in the country.

The visit happened in Bogotá and our project acquisitions manager  joined the visit and shared that "with debates about disruptions to global health supply chains being so recent, it is amazing to get a deeper insider's look into Roche's distribution center and learn more about what kind of efforts are needed so that thousands of different products smoothly arrive every day in labs, hospitals, and pharmacies all over Colombia".

The Alumni Club - Andean Chapter was created in December 2022 and aims at bringing together the growing community of former HSG students working in BoliviaColombiaEcuadorPeru, and Venezuela. You are invited to join events, talks, continued education, company visits, and network with this vibrant community.
