- 04.10.2023 - 18:15 

Latam Term 25 Infosession

Unser Institute organisierte die erste Infoveranstaltung für Studierende, die sich für das HSG Latam Term 2025 interessieren

Our Institute organized the first info session for students interested in HSG Latam Term 2025. The event took place this Wednesday and offered the currently interested Term students (2025) the opportunity to meet the prospective Term 2024 students and to get practical inputs from the HSG Connection students about living and studying in São Paulo. Our project manager presented via Zoom while Esther Staeheli from University of St.Gallen Worldwide (Student Mobility Services) personally welcomed the students. The info session was well attended and we hope to welcome many more at our brownbag info session on December 12, 2023 at 12:15pm in room 01-U203.
